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The transformation Model | Inputs | Transformation Process | Output | Feedback |


This Figure represents the three components of operations: inputs, transformation processes, and outputs. Operations management involves the systematic direction and control of the process that transforms resources (inputs - Labour, Capital, Raw Material, Machinery ) into (output - finished goods or services ) for customers or clients.



Inputs are the initial elements of any operation activity from which the transformation process starts. Operations are performed on these elements and then after they become finished goods.

Some of these inputs like - raw material is used in the process of creating goods or services while others play a part in the creation process like machinery, labor, capital.

Transformation Process

A transformation process is any activity or group of activities that takes one or more inputs, transforms and adds value to them, and provides outputs for customers or clients.

For example - when milk is transformed into curd, cheese, and butter.


 The output is the final product or service produced after the transformation process. This output creates revenue for the producer or delivers value to the customers. Not all the output may be up to the mark.

Transformation can be only good or service or can be both like - A restaurant provides a service, but also produces goods such as food and drinks.



Feedback is an essential part of the transformation process that helps to know the reaction of the ultimate customer regarding its products. It helps to identify the area of improvement. Feedback can be done in form of a rating, survey, field visit, etc.

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