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Types of Advertising Copy | Student Notes |

1.) Institutional copy

2.) Fear Advertising Copy 

3.) Educational Ad Copy

4.) Scientific Ad Copy

5.)  Descriptive Copy

6.) Topical Copy

7.) Suggestive Copy

8.) Reason Why Copy

1.) Institutional copy

The institutional copy does not sell its goods and services. It assists in promoting the product of the selling house. It helps the selling hub to build a strong reputation with their customers. The main objective of this type of ad copy is to create, maintain, and increase the goodwill of selling hubs in the minds of prospective customers.

2.) Fear Advertising Copy

Fear ad copy creates a sense of fear in the reader to save their lives or to protect themselves from damage, pain, destruction, unpleasant experience, etc. These advertising copies create deep interest in the consumer mind because it protects their values. 

E.g. - Advertisement of locks, medical and insurance, stock market, etc. 

3.) Educational Ad Copy

An educational ad copy aware, inform, update to its customer about the product by educating them. It is designed in such a way that it will highlight the benefits and special features of the product to the customer. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to educate the customer and make them user friendly with the product.

4.) Scientific Ad Copy

A scientific copy is technical and, it provides detailed information about the product and the producer of the product. It is mostly used by pharmaceutical firms, engineering, and drug authorities. It helps the advertiser to inform the ordinary people in general and professional persons in particular about the merits and value of the product.

5.)  Descriptive Copy

This Descriptive copy is the non-technical opposite of scientific ads copy. It is prepare in such a manner that a layman ( a person without professional or specialized knowledge ) can understand it. It gives complete information about the product in easy and understandable language.

For example - FMCG Goods

6.) Topical Copy

A topical ad copy is that in which the advertiser creates a connection between the product and a particular recent happening. This type of copy makes an effective impression on the target customers. It creates interest because the event is sensational and fresh in the minds of the customers. 

For example – advertising copy of Adidas during sports.

7.) Suggestive Copy

A suggestive copy suggests or attempts to convey the message directly or indirectly to the customer.  A Suggestive ad copy works best when the reader is confused regarding the quality of the product and finding it difficult to make a decision regarding its purchase. Different suggestions are delivered to help the customer in making a purchase decision.

8.) Reason Why Copy

The approach of this copy explains reasons to customers why it is necessary to have the product. It gives definite positive points in favor of a particular product.  It attempts to explain the product superiority using data in the forms of performance tests, records, recommendations, guarantees, etc.

Example - LIC


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